Why Investors Should Have Known Tesla’s SolarCity Acquisition Was a Bad Business Decision — The Motley Fool
Why Investors Should Have Known Tesla’s SolarCity Acquisition Was a Bad Business Decision — The Motley Fool When the solar roof was shown off last fall, the expectations got even higher. But if we’re looking objectively at Tesla’s solar business today, it’s largely a bust. Tesla is shrinking SolarCity, has already shut down its solar technology in favor of white label panels from Panasonic, and hasn’t shown any progress integrating solar into Tesla showrooms. Tesla’s solar roof may be a big distraction from Tesla slowing SolarCity’s operations.Read more…
GE completes $1.65bn acquisition of blade-maker LM Wind Power | Recharge
GE completes $1.65bn acquisition of blade-maker LM Wind Power | Recharge Did you know that Recharge has readers in more than 50 countries? Recharge is the world’s most important news service for the wind sector You will be the first to know – a competitive advantage Unrivalled news and insight to help you make better business decisions Read more…
Walmart, through a series of recent acquisitions, is gunning to make up for lost time in a race against Amazon to flesh out its fashion business. Its latest target: Bonobos, the menswear retailer that specializes in affordably priced, upscale suits in the $500 range — they’re currently sold online, through showrooms and at Nordstrom. Walmart is reportedly in talks to purchase the company for $300 million.
Verizon CFO: Disney acquisition talk was ‘taken out of context’
Verizon CFO: Disney acquisition talk was ‘taken out of context’ Verizon (VZ), on Thursday, shot down rumors that it is talking to companies like Disney and Comcast about potential mergers and acquisitions. Stock prices for the three media businesses immediately rose on the report. “Lowell was asked a question in an interview if a certain company called, and he wanted to talk would he take that meeting.
European Commission – PRESS RELEASES – Press release – Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of smart card maker Morpho by Advent International, subject to conditions
European Commission – PRESS RELEASES – Press release – Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of smart card maker Morpho by Advent International, subject to conditions Morpho is the identity and security solutions business of the Safran group. Advent International, a private equity firm, controls smart card and digital security provider Oberthur. Both Oberthur and Morpho develop and supply identification and security solutions, including smart cards for the banking sector, telecommunication sector and identity document sector.
What’s the future of IT acquisition? – FederalNewsRadio.com
What’s the future of IT acquisition? – FederalNewsRadio.com “It’s actually become more complicated to buy than easier to buy. “It’s hard to tell whether Congress knows what they’re doing when they legislate how you should buy,” she said. “What’s right for the Department of Veterans Affairs and what’s right for the Department of the Interior may be two different things,” she said.